Meaning of theism

The Meaning of Theism
edited by John Cottingham

In this stimulating collection the contributors reflect on what belief in God means for the subject– what difference it makes to the flow and perceived significance of someone’s life.
Summaries of the contributions listed below may be found


David Benatar
What’s God Got To Do With It? Heterodoxy and Religious Practice

John Cottingham
What Difference Does It Make? The Nature and Significance of Theistic Belief

John Haldane
Philosophy, the Restless Heart and the Meaning of Theism

Anthony Kenny
Worshipping an Unknown God

Michael McGhee
‘Seeke True Religion. O Where?’

Richard Norman
Varieties of Non-Religious Experience

Alvin Plantinga
Divine Action in the World

Oxford: Blackwell, 2007 x+ 120pp.
ISBN 13: 978-1-4051-9160-9